Welcome to Speedyshop by HiSOFT SYSTEMS.
Atari Bargain Basement

> Atari Bargain Basement
  • Lattice C 5.6 - the premier development system for the Atari (upgrades also available).

  • DevpacST 3 - Complete 680x0 assembler, editor and debugger.

  • HiSOFT C - Easy to use C interpreter, pefect for beginners.

  • Personal Pascal - Deeply wonderful language (even it is out of fashion).

  • DevpacDSP - DSP assembler and debugger (Falcon 030 only).

  • Motorola DSP User Manual - the definitive guide to programming the DSP.

  • Papyrus 5 - the outstanding document processor (needs 2MB, hi-res).

  • Atari Works - Integrated spreadsheet, database and editor.

  • Twist 2 - the friendly yet powerful relational database system.

  • ChemKit - visualise those molecule chains; just the ticket for budding home scientists.

  • Making the Most of MIDI - the perfect companion book for the home studio.

  • ProFlight - have a rest from all that work and take a Tornado up for a thrilling experience!

  • TruePaint - the best-selling true colour paint program.

  • TrueImage - the best-selling image processor.

  • Diamond Back 3 - the best-selling hard disk backup system.

  • Diamond Edge 2 - the best-selling disk management software.

  • Twist 2 - the best selling power-database.

    If you need know more about a package before parting with the pittances we are asking for them, then please feel free to email orders@hisoft.co.uk and ask any questions you like.

Lattice C
DevpacST 3
HiSOFT C interpreter
Personal Pascal
DSP manual
Papyrus 5
Atari Works
Twist 2
MIDI book
Diamond Back 3
Diamond Edge 2

Copyright ©1998 by HiSOFT SYSTEMS. All Rights Reserved.
If you have an enquiry about an order, please email our sales department.
The webmaster is the person to email to about any site related problems.
This page was last updated on Thursday, November 5, 1998.